Coach Leadership And Safety Support (CLASS) Certification Program

The CLASS Certification program has been designed specifically for coaches participating in USA Clay Target League-affiliated programs. The League’s CLASS Certification provides a comprehensive and interactive online education and training program designed specifically for League coaches. The CLASS Certification is available to all coaches and takes 5-6 hours of online training to complete.
- One head coach for each team may complete the CLASS Certification for free. A single-use promotional code will be sent to all new head coaches in the League’s Welcome Email.
- Assistant coaches or volunteers may complete the CLASS Certification for only $25 each.
- Only CLASS-Certified coaches may conduct the SAFE Range Certification program for student athletes to complete the SAFE Certification.
- All coaches registered with the League receive General Liability Insurance.
- All coaches that complete the CLASS Certification receive an official iron-on certificate patch from the USA Clay Target League.
Benefits of the CLASS Certification

- Free – for one Head Coach per team.
- Affordable – other coaches can take the course for less than most shotgun coach training programs.
- Accessible – available online to everyone with tablet, smartphone or computer.
- Comprehensive – the online course takes 5-6 hours to complete and no travel required.
- Fun – animated graphics, sound, and interactive learning make it entertaining.
- Convenient – progress can be saved at anytime to work around busy schedules.
- Relevant – it’s all about clay target shooting sports, youth, and safety.
- Consistent – CLASS-Certified coaches and SAFE-Certified student athletes learn the same content.
- Support – a dedicated Coach Education and Support Manager is available to assist with all questions. Access sample team handbooks, SAFE Range Day Guides, and more!

CLASS Certification lessons
Be a Coach
Create Your Team Handbook
Develop Team Communications
Recognize Achievements
Recruit Coaches and Volunteers
Recruit Student Athletes
Partner with Local Shooting Ranges
Obtain Resources and Ammunition
Prepare for Safe Shooting Events
Plan for Emergencies
Create a Safety Plan
Conducting a SAFE Range Day
Ongoing Safety Education
Utilize Safety Procedures
Monitor Safety Off the Field
Monitor Safety On the Field
Teach Clay Target Shooting Fundamentals Pattern a Shotgun
PLUS all SAFE Certification lessons
Participate in the League
Understand Policies & Procedures
Understand the SafeSport Policy
Be Aware of School Firearm and Ammunition Policies
Know Your Team Personnel
Understand League Participation, Penalties, and Consequences
Know Your Firearms
Know Your Ammunition
Know Your Gear and Accessories
Transport and Store Your Firearms and Ammunition
Know Your Safety Procedures
Know Your Shooting Range
Practice Your Shooting Fundamentals
Know Your Clay Target Procedures
Clean Your Shotgun
Get to Know Trap Shooting
Get to Know Skeet Shooting
Get to Know 5-Stand
Get to Know Sporting Clays